Friday, March 15, 2013

TC 573

Summary: failed 250 and that's it. Finally down to div 2.

250: Given an array of int, a[n], find max number of triples such that value(triple) > target.
value(triple) is min + max.

Solution: easy to see that if we sort a[n], then two pointers left and right going towards each other. Move left++ while left + right <= target. The pitfall is when we have left and right but there are only two elements remaining.

450: Given a graph with 50 nodes, each node has altitude[i]. edge[i][j] = 'Y' or 'N'. Find a path from 0 to N-1 such that each node has altitude[i] changed to b[i] and node[k-1] has height >= node[k] in path. Cost is sum of abs(altitude[i] - b[i]).

The hardest part is to figure out that optimal path only need b[i] to be one of a[0] .. a[N-1]
Then it is a shortest path problem with state being (pos, alt) meaning node[pos] is taking altitute[alt]
Could use either Dijkstra or Bellman-Ford.

Here is a sketch of proof:
// claim: there is an opt path uses a[i] altitude only
// proof: given an opt path, convert into a path uses a[i] only
// first break the path into blocks with each block using a[k] < b[i] < a[k+1]
// then what happens inside block does not affect outside
// for each block, we can shift the whole thing towards + or -, until one node hits some a[i]
// then we effectively break the block into several blocks and we recurse
// in the end we have an optimal path with each node takes some a[i] altitude only, and in
// every step we never increase the path cost.
// then the problem becomes a shortest path problem with vertex (i, j) indicating node[i] is having altitude a[j]

p850: this is wcao's solution

// this is a math problem
// 1. if we consider x[i] + y[i] for i = 0 to n-1,
// then the only way for i and j to meet is to 
// have x[i] + y[i] with the same parity as x[j] + y[j]
// because in every step, both change their parity
// so first check if all x[i] + y[i] must have same parity
// and ans is 0 if not
// 2. now we count the number of ways the wolves can meet
// first notice that the x and y are independent, we can
// count the number of ways x values meet and y values meet
// then just multiply them
// consider the minval and maxval of x, call it v
// then minval = v[n-1] - M and maxval = v[0] + M
// assuming v[0] .. v[n-1] are sorted
// there is a catch here, some wolf might have both odd parity for
// x and y, while some might have both even parity for x and y
// solution by wcao: since x[i] + y[i] and x[i] - y[i] uniquely determine
// x[i] and y[i], we can work on these two quantities instead, then both
// have same parity as M
// now we count for each val from minval to maxval
// for a given v[i], how many ways it can make to val
// let there be a count of a +1 and a count of b -1
// then a + b = M for M rounds
// a - b = val
// so the number of ways is (M choose a) which is (M choose (M+val)/2)
// notice that val must have the same parity with M to have nonzero result
// although I looked at wcao's solution, when implement it myself,
// integer overflow everywhere

using namespace std;

typedef long long int64;

const int MOD = (int)(1e9+7);

int fact[100000+5];
int invfact[100000+5];

class WolfPack

int fastpow(int a, int b)
 int ans = 1;
 int base = a;
 while (b) {
  if (b&1) ans = (int64)ans * base % MOD;
  base = (int64)base * base % MOD;
  b /= 2;
 return ans;

int inv(int a)
 return fastpow(a, MOD-2);

int comb(int n, int k)
 int deno = (int64)invfact[k] * invfact[n-k] % MOD; //cout << "deno " << deno << ' ' << inv(deno) << ' ' << fact[k] << ' ' << fact[n-k] << endl;
 int ans = (int64)fact[n] * deno % MOD;
 //cout << "comb " << n << ' ' << k << ' ' << ans << endl;
 return ans;

void init()
 fact[0] = 1;
 for (int i=1; i<100005; ++i) fact[i] = (int64)fact[i-1] * i % MOD;
 //for (int i=0; i < 10; ++i) cout << fact[i] << endl;
 for (int i=0; i<100005; ++i) invfact[i] = inv(fact[i]);

int calc(vector  v, int m)
 sort(v.begin(), v.end());
 int minval, maxval;
 int n = v.size();
 int64 ans = 0;
 for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) if ((v[i] & 1) != (v[0] & 1)) { return 0; }
 minval = v[n-1] - m;
 maxval = v[0] + m;
 for (int val = minval; val <= maxval; val += 2)  // val and m must be same parity
  int tmp = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
   int diff = abs(val - v[i]);
   tmp = (int64)tmp * comb(m, (m - diff)/2) % MOD; //cout << tmp << ' ' << val << ' ' << i << ' ' << v[i] << ' ' << diff << endl;
  //ans = ((int64)ans + tmp) % MOD;
  ans += tmp;
  if (ans >= MOD) ans -= MOD;
 return ans;

int calc(vector  x, vector  y, int m)
 int n = x.size();
 vector a(n), b(n);
 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  a[i] = x[i] + y[i];
  b[i] = x[i] - y[i];
 return (int64)calc(a, m) * calc(b, m) % MOD;

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