Monday, September 14, 2015

CF 319, hackerrank worldcup

problem B
Given n = 10^6 integers and integer m <= 1000, check whether a subset of the integers sum up to a number that is a multiple of m.

This looks like subset sum but is actually not. I had several false starts and one route that looks promising is that if we are not looking for sum, instead we look for subtraction, then it is easy, just find two numbers with same remainder modulu m. However we need sum here. The solution is actually simple, keep a map of remainders that you have seen already, and update with next element, either you use it or not, then you get an updated list of remainders that you can make with element 1..k. In the end you just check whether you have hit remainder = 0.

Hackerrank university worldcup

swapping bridges: the key is that with n nodes and n directed edges, the graph is a collection of disjoint cycles. Proof by induction.

worldcup game: it appears to be a PSPACE-complete problem, and thus insurmountable. However, we are dealing with a tree here and the answer is, one player takes the biggest subtree and the other player takes the rest. So the answer would be the same if each player is trying to minimize the opponent's score. One dfs on the tree is enough.

Bishop war: at the current row, you only care your previous row, yet each cell can attack left or right or both, thus you need 2 bits to encode the state, 0,1,2,3. This makes the encode/decode slightly more complicated. And there is one catch, you need to skip invalid previous row to speed things up. For my case, a speed up of 7s to .5s was observed.

Alien's age: Haven't solved yet but looks it is a binary search on the max age, and to do the check, you can use 4 types of footprints to run through the matrix, mark cells as don't care if you already covered them. And use count of 0,1,2 for none, taken, don't care. You also need prefix sum to make it fast to query a range of column or diagonal.