Saturday, May 5, 2012

CodeSprint TwitchTV

This is an interview street codesprint challenge and I started really late, sometime around 3pm and the contest is between 12-4pm. Luckily I got the second one fairly quick, and then realized that the first one is bipartite matching. The third one is Floyd-Warshall with greedy. I don't know about 4th one. It surprised me a bit to see my bipartitie matching code passed in the first submission, after checked the trivial test case.

Travel: the only problem I do not have a solution.
UPDATE: Apparently it is Bellman-Ford (I don't know why I keep calling this one Boyer-Moore, which is for string matching), the dynamic programming shortest path algorithm. The only tricky point is that you need to pay toll, so let node[i] be the gold you have at i, then the update step from i to j is
node[j] = max(node[j], (node[i]-edge[i][j]+s[j]) /2)
The problem statement is not very clear on this. Here node[i] is the max gold you can have at node i. Also note that you cannot have unbounded gold at any node as max among all node[i], let it be node[k], will not improve once passed its own s[k] so the updating process cannot continue indefinitely.

Arrangement: the problem is about finding hamitonian path and with N=1000 there is no hope to solve it exactly. And that is why the problem says it is an approximate problem. I didn't have time to implement some backtrack solution but it would be interesting to try some heuristics. Given 3 more hours, I could have done better.

Anyway I am happy with my score and interesting enough, why this particular company cares so much about graph algorithms.

Update: I finished a naive dfs backtrack solution to the last problem, Arrangement, which asks for a Hamitonian path given a graph. Surprisingly, it got Accepted.

The score board and my rank
Rank Hacker Country Score Submissions Solved
31 lantimilan USA 300.00 4 3
Name Points Status Statistics
Super Bomb 100 40/580
Matching 100 43/630
Centre of Mass 100 47/297
Travel 100 29/63
Arrangement 100 14/271

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