Problem D flatland-roads
Given an undirected connected graph with n = 10^5 vertices and m = 2*10^5 edges, and P = 15. Find out the number of vertices reachable from v using at most P bridges, for every vertex v.
1. All bridges can be identified by dfs. Let d[u] be the time that vertex u is discovered in dfs, and low[u] be the d[] value of the vertex w with minimum d[] value, such that w is adjacent to either u or one of its descendants. In undirected graph, dfs traversal only has tree edge and back edge, and only tree edge may become a bridge. It is easy to see that edge (u,v) is a bridge if and only if u is a parent of v and d[v] = low[v].
2. If we remove all bridges, each component behaves the same in counting. So we can collapse nodes in the same component into a super vertex, and the results graph is a tree!
3. Now that we have a tree, we can compute the numbers recursively. A few book-keeping in place. Let
reach[c][k] be the number of vertices that supernode c may reach with at most k superedges (bridges).
all[c][k] be the number of vertices that supernode c may reach with at most k superedges, either via its child, or via its parent.
Base case: reach[c][0] = all[c][0] = supernode[c].size
Recurisve step:
reach[c][k] = supernode[c].size + sum_{child} reach[child][k-1]
all[c][k] = reach[c][k] + all[parent][k-1] - reach[c][k-2]
we need to subtract the path from parent back to c so that we do not double count.
The dependency is a bit tricky to figure out, and I did the dumb thing of DP with memoization.
code here
Problem C needs an AVL tree or Red-Black tree with each node keeps a count of nodes in its subtree, and I really need to write one myself. Also a good place to test my implementation, if I ever wrote one. Writing RB-tree is tricky.
Problem E, I do not know.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
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